Unlike distributing fan-out matrix devices, combining matrix switches allow several or all input signals to be routed into one output channel. The DEV 1976 can automatically switch signals according to signal levels. This allows a flexible arrangement of redundant capacity switching to guarantee constant availability in the event of signal failure. The 4 RU matrix can be controlled and individually configured via SNMP or the DEV Web Interface and is available from 8×8 to 64×44 arrays. Optical inputs, unique redundancy options for inputs and controller, and many more extras offer ultra-flexibility and reliability. The ARCHIMEDES Matrix Switch includes an integrated TV Receiver featuring a multi-touch display for content monitoring.
- Up to 64×44 in 4 RU
- Ideally suited for satellite uplinks
- Various connector and impedance options allows flexible use
- Variable Gain (MGC or AGC)
- Easy to use DEV Web Interface and SNMP
- Multi-Color-Touch Display as a local user interface enable full control